Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Memorable Designs......

So, I was looking over pictures of Brides bouquets this last week. We
are working  on marketing for the coming year. Out of a really large pile of pictures there were a few that stood out. We decided that we really needed to share. 

     The first one was accented with steel grass and drop crystals with a satin wrap.The tone and texture was lovely, the wire collar and a crystal band at the base gave it a more contemporary twist.              


   Next, a pop of vibrant color. As you      can see mini Callas are all the rage right now.This one called for a variety called Mango and the deeper orange that is Flame. One of the Event Designers is always excited when
she gets to do weddings with vibrant colors.


      The Last had a amazing amount of crystals woven through the design, a initial for their last name as well as a solid six inch diamond band of crystals wrapping the stems.The girls wore platinum so we made eggplant bullion wire leaves to accent the silver and lavender colored flowers that the bridesmaids carried. Making sure that the color palette was carried through out.
