Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Favorite Photo Shoots....

   We were working on a mail out a bit ago. 
Something that made you want to climb in.
Textures and rich colors. We made rose
spheres and used Blackberries, balls of 
wire and thin stringer filament were woven
through the design. 

You can see how we bound the Calla Lily's if you look close.

the two tone Rose is called Pink Intuition. It looks like
someone got a paint brush and randomly painted
the petals. It does not last long , its great for party's
and events. It is  easy to refract. (peel the outer petals
back and create a wide open Rose) . There is also
Hypericum (coffee berry) and Viburnum with Lepto
woven around the box. Really was pleased with the way
this turned out.